Inspect running Python script

Ever want to know what the hell that python script is doing? Enter the Inspect Shell. Inspect Shell lets you print/alter globals and run functions without interrupting the running script. Now with auto-complete and command history (only on linux).

Inspect Shell is not a pdb-style debugger.

Fleep, one of the best comics I've ever read

Fleep made its debut in the weekly newspaper, "Asian Week" in Feburary of 2001. It's about a boy who wakes up in a telephone booth which has been mysteriously selaed in an envelope of concrete. Using only the contents of his pockets (two pens, a paperback novel, three coins and 20 ft of unwaxed dental floss) our hero must fashion and execute an escape plan before he runs out of oxygen. Believe it or not, I try to end each strip on a cliffhanger which is very challanging considering most of the 42 strips take place inside this one phone booth.

Beers in Brazil

Ao lembrar da data de vencimento da cerveja, também parei para pensar em como o mercado da bebida mudou nos últimos 13 anos. A quase totalidade das microcervejarias que se destacam hoje no País ainda não havia nascido, não existiam tampouco blogs ou mídias cervejeiras e as importações estavam longe da abundância atual. Recém-saído da faculdade, não tinha nem ideia do que eram cervejas especiais a não ser pelas que tinham latas interessantes para minha coleção. Realmente, evoluímos bastante. Ainda tenho outras cervejas belgas do mesmo lote em casa, para degustações saudosistas.

It's impressive how the beer market changed in Brazil in the last 10 years. All we had back then were tasteless industrial beers that tasted all the same, and expensive imported beers (that I couldn't afford). Today we have several micro breweries producing all kinds of beer, lots of which are comparable to the best beers that I have tried around the world — Colorado Indica and Lust Supreme are two on my list.

More shell, less egg - All this

1:  tr -cs A-Za-z '\n' |
2:  tr A-Z a-z |
3:  sort |
4:  uniq -c |
5:  sort -rn |
6:  sed ${1}q

"Read a file of text, determine the n most frequently used words, and print out a sorted list of those words along with their frequencies." — by the guy who invented pipes.

Cool song

I'm looking for a guitar to buy, and the LP-100 looks like a nice entry-level guitar with a good price. I was for reviews on YouTube and found this song — I like the sound.

Yeti crab grows its own food

In the deep ocean off the coast of Costa Rica, scientists have found a species of crab that cultivates gardens of bacteria on its claws, then eats them.

The yeti crab — so-called because of the hair-like bristles that cover its arms — is only the second of its family to be discovered. The first — an even hairier species called Kiwa hirsuta — was found in 2005 near Easter Island1.