Eating is Broken

You wouldn't mind being the prep cook on a given Tuesday if you did it with three neighbors while having an adult beverage and chatting. The idea here is to find as much benefit in the "work" of food preparation as you get from the eating.

I love how Scott Adams is always rethinking things we take for granted. In this post he suggests a system where neighbors would buy home delivered groceries together, and also cook together, like a project management for food. I'm not sure if the idea would work, because it feels too much like an obligation for me.

On the other hand, I already do that. I live with 5 colleagues (including my girlfriend) from work. Cooking is always fun, and it never feels like work.

Plastic Bags

This sort of happened to me here in Cachoeira Paulista. It's a small town and people are not really concerned with the environment, so they are not used to the concept of plastic bags being bad. Besides, everybody uses them for trash, so people usually carry a few more than they need when they leave the supermarket.

So this time I went to the supermarket with my reusable bag (as I always do), and when I noticed the guy was packing everything in plastic bags and putting the bags inside my bag.

But the good thing is that it appears that our — mine and my girlfriend's — weirdness paid off. They now have a line in the supermarket where they don't offer plastic bags! Instead they offer leftover carton boxes from their products for people to carry their stuff. Of course the main motivation behind this is a law that will prohibit plastic bags in the state some time in the future, but at least we made them conscious of the need for reusable bags.

Ambient Arduino Lighting For Your Mac

The MacLight amplifies everything that happens on your screen, making it the perfect companion for a violent, hard hitting action flick. The app works by instantly setting the color of mounted leds (behind your Mac) to the average color of your monitor. There’s also a calmer use case. You can use this app to manually set mood lighting via an RGB color picker.