Vivo tethering with Android + Mac

I just bought a Galaxy S II phone. My old iPhone 3GS was 2 years old, the battery life was getting very short, and it would lose signal for half an hour every now and then, so instead of waiting for the Galaxy Nexus (or for the S II price to drop) I decided it was time to get a new phone.

Why Android? As much as I love Apple's products (I'm on my 3rd Apple laptop, and I love my 11" Macbook Air) I hate Apple's practices against user freedom. I also love my Ubuntu desktop at home, and if it ran smoothly on the Macbook I'd gladly switch its OS. So I decided that it was time to change my phone, to learn more about Android.

I was worried about tethering. The iPhone just works on the Mac, of course. Configuring the S II was a little more tricky. Here's how I had to do it:

The password is also "vivo" (my provider). I also had to change the "Advanced..." configuration: